Work : Piping Work
PO. No. : 31-12009PO161
PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) build gas pipeline from Arun, Lhokseumawe to Belawan, Medan.
Gas transported is coming from LNG regasification plant at PT Arun and will be utilized to provide industrial gas demand along pipeline track and fuel gas for PT PLN at Belawan.
This project include construction of new pipeline from South Lhoksukon until Pangkalan Batu and Gas Compression Station(s) along the line gas can reach required pressure at Belawan.
Pangkalan Brandan - Nort Sumatra and Rantau Panjang - East Aceh
Shop Drawing & As-built Drawing
Welder test, Temporary Facility, Mob-Demob for Equipment, & Tools.
Piping work:
Piping line Process Gass, Piping Line Flare, Piping Line, Fire Water, Piping line Fuel Gas, Piping line Air Instrument, Piping line, Liquid Gas, Line Utility Air, Piping line Anti Surge, Piping Liquid Condesate, Piping line Seal Gas, Piping line Briddle, Piping line Muffler.
Sandblasting & Painting of Piping:
Including Material as per specification and drawings.
Pre-Comissioning - Piping Install & Reinstatement:
Equipment, Consumables & Manpower, Cleaning, Flushing, Hydrotest Package; 264 Test Pack, Test Pack Report, Flushing,
Blowing & Drying Equipment, Consumables & Manpower, Flushing, Blowing & Drying, Blowing Report, Flange Management,
Equipment, Consumables & Manpower, Bolt Tightening report & Flange management tagging.
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Jl. Kopral Anwar, Suka Maju, Kec. Sako, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan 30961
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